
That's Why.

*phone call*

Me: Hello.

Mr.F.: Hey, how's my 13 yr old Ball and Chain?

Me: Very Funny. Happy Anniversary to you, too.

Mr.F.: So, do you mind if I go out with the guys tonight?

Such a funny dude. Such a funny dude who's going to get the smack down on his WRY, SARDONIC self.

FYI, he is taking this certain, cute Ball and Chain out tonight. No guys allowed.


Bijoux said...

Phew....you had me worried there for a second....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

JodyJ said...

After you cuff him upside the head, step aside, so I can get a few jabs at him. Happy 13th Anniversary!

Desmond Jones said...

So. . . your marriage is a teenager now. . . That could explain a lot, eh?

Seriously, congratulations! And Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Wait, you mean I'm NOT invited?

FTN said...

Happy anniversary. Hope you are still sleeping in, recovering from a late night.

JodyJ said...

Weeellll, we are waiting to hear the details of your night out. C'mon inquiring minds want to know.

flutterby said...

Cocotte -- Thanks!

JodyJ -- I will have him arm locked and ready whenever you are!

Desmond -- It *does* explain somethings, now, doesn't it?

Xavier -- errr... nope. Maybe next time! :)

FTN -- Negatory, good buddy. Up for work this morning.

JodyJ -- How does margaritas, thai and curry food and shared desserts sound to you? You don't want to hear the rest. :P

JodyJ said...

Um.. yeah, your right, words can paint a picture, and I don't want to go there.