
Take Me Out Tonight.

I think my blog just kissed me madly.

I may have kissed it back.

This is the blogskin I fell for like a smitten kitten. I love how it looks. All lean, mean Business like a BMW Z4 roadster and just a flash of sweet Butterfly tattoo where you don't expect it.


Apparently, it's got some functionality for pictures and videos, which is great. Will be even better once I figure out how to actually USE those features. All in time, my sweet, all in time.

Gosh, I've really got to stop anthromorphisizing my blog. It's a leeeeetle bit creepy.

But that kiss..... *sigh*


Therese in Heaven said...

The template's hot. Especially because of that little butterfly tattoo.

Anonymous said...

Well, OK, I'll think I'll just go away for a bit and let you and your blog have some alone time ....


Might not be a half-bad idea for you to get out a bit more, though I gotta admit the blog is looking rather spiffy.

Bijoux said...

Hi Flutterby! Your blog seems very chocolatey good. I will be back.

Thanks for stopping by my place.

flutterby said...

therese -- I love the little butterfly, too. I liked the template to start with, but when I saw the butterfly I was all "HAVE TO HAVE IT". :)

xavier -- It is entirely possible that me and my blog get far too much alone time as it is. Lines have been crossed. :D Thanks for thinking it looks spiffy, though.

cocotte -- It is really chocolat-ey, isn't it? When I first saw the screen-shot it seemed much more Charcoal grey... so I was a bit surprised when it uploaded. But it was a nice surprise. I have no issues with chocolate, whatsoever!

flutterby said...

SHOUT OUT to ftn for help with my navbar. I'd like to say that "Shaaaa... no problem, I could've done it myself." But, uhhh.... I couldn't. Even though it was incredibly simple and an insult to natural intelligence to need help with it in the first place.

Thanks, my friend! :o)