
Kinda like Potato Chips.

It looks like the Flutterby Household will be adding one more member. Of the furry kind.

No, we're not adding another Mr.F.

That's just silly.

We will be adding another lil dog. We've kinda thrown the idea around for some time, now. And once I got over my "NEED" for a dog of larger stature (which, I begrudgingly agree does not fit in with our lifestyle right now)... it looks like we'll be searching for another little chi or chi-mix. The Terd can use some company and it might help remind her of her Dog-ness. Cause right now she definitely thinks she's People.

Looks like it is true what they say about Chihuahuas and Potato Chips: Betcha can't have just one!

**This pic has been posted for the benefit of certain *ahem* commentators who doubt the level of Adorable possessed by this breed. Turned up to 11!!!**


Craig said...

Oh Lord. . .

1F had a chihuahua when she lived with us for a few months, years back. Better her than me, is all I'll say. . .


flutterby said...

I edited my post to address your curmudgeon-ish view of this lovely breed. Look at that face... how can you not love that face?!?!?

Bijoux said...

I guess you won't like one of my upcoming posts....

Craig said...

I'll grant you cute. . .

But c'mon. . . play the soundtrack. . . and the leg-humping. . .

Anonymous said...

yeah, cue the ear-plugs!!

But gotta love varmints!

flutterby said...

Actually, our little Terd is not a barker or a leg-humper. Guess we got lucky that way. :D

Anonymous said...

BTW- careful with the "can't have just one" stuff, my bro and his wifey have 6 dogs and 3 cats 'cause she started thinking that years ago and just can't help herself .... and they're looking for their next dog right now. Zoinks!