
Flip the Switch.

Derby girls are known for creating personas for themselves. We leave our mild-mannered identities at home and costume up in garish/sexy/subversive/punk gear. We assume a new name and identity in derby; become someone else for the purpose of performance and fun. Someone who is Bigger, Louder, Wilder, Meaner. She is our alter-ego; the "super" to our "hero".

She is the person the crowds cheer for and other players fear. And for most of us, she is the reason we keep coming back, hour after grueling hour of practice, hit after hit. Cause SHE loves derby. She IS derby.

With that, I'm pleased to introduce to my blog friends the chica that helps me flip the switch and become a derby girl.

Kitty Killswitch #266
Position: Pivot/Blocker

Bio: Born on the hood of a 390 GT Mustang, Kitty lives life as she entered it; kicking and screaming. Her love of fast cars and faster living was legendary in the small town she grew up in, where pedal to the metal was a way of life and the badges knew her by name. Tragedy struck early in life when her infamous Railway Overpass Stunt went horribly wrong and changed Kitty's life forever. Airlifted to Megacity's Military Hospital, it took over 30 surgeries and a dedicated team of crack Biosoft surgeons to bring her shattered body back to life. State of the art bionics and a cerebral-digital interface were intended to make her the ultimate soldier; but an unexpected bioware glitch marked her as defective. She spends her days skulking around the shadows of society and her nights burning up the track. Technology resurrected her body, but speed keeps her alive.

Favorite Saying: A sucking chest wound is nature's way of telling you to slow down.

Only FIVE MORE SLEEPS til the bout. Hoo-ah!


JodyJ said...

You look scary and sexy, all at the same time!! Just wait till some blood is added to the mix, you will be like Rambo! Hit hard or go home, right?? Something like that anyway....

Bijoux said...

You are one krazy kitty! Go scratch their eyes out!

Desmond Jones said...

A whole team of surgeons on crack?

I must've misread that. . .


WordVer = 'prize'. . . You win!

Desmond Jones said...

Uber-cool war-paint, btw. . . Do you do that every time you skate?

And, uh. . . you call them 'bouts'? As in, synonym for 'fights'? Rugged. . . I mean, even the hockey guys call 'em 'games' or 'matches'. . .

WordVer = 'buffori'. Which reminds me of you, luv. . .

FTN said...

That picture will be haunting my dreams.

And I mean that as a compliment, of course.

flutterby said...

JJ -- I hope the Rambo reference was more about me looking KILLAH than about me looking like a middle-aged Italian dude who regularly gets his face pounded!! :D

Cocotte -- You know... pound for pound, the barn cat is the world's most vicious animal. Or so I've heard.

Desmond -- Yeah, we totally kick hockey's BUTT. We often laugh at the roller hockey dudes across the arena who play NON-CONTACT in full, padded gear and us chicas are banging it out in short, T's and knees pads. Mr. F. came out to watch us practice last night and thought we were pretty hard core... apparently the sound of Human Body hitting concrete is pretty impressive. Oh. I only will paint up for actual bouts. Too much trouble for practice.

FTN -- Then I will take it as such. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, gonna start constructing a derby loop in the back yard. Some things you just gotta encourage.....
