

-- Did my first time trial last night. Five laps in 55 seconds. Which comes in neatly under the regulation WFTDA time of one minute. I could gripe about the dusty floor (it was) and my dirty wheels (they were). Bottom line is that I was happy to make the cut time but hope to do better next time.

-- It is official! The Bone City Rollers are bouting in 25 more sleeps! ACK!! I have exactly 10 more practices to make a derby player of myself. Holy crap. We are scrimmaging every practice and I am hurting in all sorts of places. I currently have a heat pack on my shoulder and could really use a good back massage and cracking. I have an assortment of ass-bruises and a deep purple welt in the shape of a skate wheel on the back of my calf. My collarbone got slammed by someone's wristguard last night and it's also a lovely shade of Bruise. My leg muscles have not gotten a break in weeks and I think I might have a case of derby leg. (That would be when your right leg muscles become more developed than your left leg from constantly skating counter-clockwise) Must add some extra training for my left leg... poor thing. Oh, and our coach is adding some killer off-track training these last weeks before the bout.

-- Our annual General Meeting is this weekend and I'm running for a position. I'd like to say that I'm not sure if I'll get it, but currently, my name is the only one posted for voting. So, yeah... I might be the new Inter-League rep. Which I just found out last night means that I would be representing our league at the National RollerCon in Las Vegas. Can you say SUH-weet? Totally.

-- My lingerie drawer is loving derby. My pocketbook not so much. Thankfully, Mr. F. is happy enough to foot the bill for fishnets and thigh-highs and ruffle panties. :D I guess if I'm gonna pick an expensive sport to play, it might as well appeal to the baser instincts of the Husband.

-- I love that these past weeks, I've not felt like Fresh Meat anymore. I'm taking hits, I've landed some solid ones, too. I'm booty blocking and anticipating the plays. I've even jammed in some scrimmages and surprised myself against some more seasoned jammers and better skaters. The game is starting to make sense in my head and my skates are starting to feel like a part of me. Sure, I still have off-moments -- and some that are embarrassing (at least in my head they are). But generally I feel like I'm hitting the mark and perhaps slotting in as that solid player that -- mostly -- won't let her team down. I'll probably never be a derby star... but that's OK. I'll be Me and I'll have fun and that's enough.


Bijoux said...

You're going to Vegas?? Love it! Can't wait to see the pics.

And the derby lingerie? Oh man, Husband would so dig that. Go be bad, girl!

Anonymous said...

You're my hero!

nuff said ...

Desmond Jones said...

So, uh. . .

Do the Bone City Rollers (love that name!) ever make it to Michigan?

I'm a little unclear as to the connection between Roller Derby and yer lingerie drawer. But YAY! for the frilly undies!

And, uh. . . please don't hurt me. . .

flutterby said...

Cocotte -- RollerCon is sometime in July, I think... but yeah, I'll take me some wicked pics of the event. I've heard it's beyond all belief -- derby in the streets. For reals!

Xavier -- thanks!

Desmond -- Our team is named after the original Metis name for our city, which translates, "Pile O Bones". Derby girls are known for bouting in fishnets and fancy skivvies under short skirts, hence the fun lingerie drawer of late!

We did our 20 lap times tonight. Holy cow. The last five laps were insane... owie owie owie. Regulation time limit was 5 mintues for the 20, my time was 3:53. Oh YEAH! Can you FEEL it?!?! That time? I was happy with!