
Leap Year Take Me Away.

It's been almost three weeks of illness and crud here in the Flutterby home and my oh my... this place needs to be rescued in the worst way.

In fact, I'm surveying the damage from my spot here at the dining room table -- the Kid's school books are spread everywhere and there's dishes from lunch on the table and island, the living room has been covered with materials for the Princess' big school project and there are two small boxes of "cabin stuff" that I have yet to find a home for after my parents dropped them off in the midst of the Crud Days a week and a half ago. And then let's look a bit closer to see the dust bunnies and toast crumbs (arghhh... the bane of my existence... TOAST SHOULD BE A BANNED SUBSTANCE. Says I.) and various and sundry items that need to be put away (hmmmm... Tylenol, bearing press, remote control for DVD, invoice book, more cold meds, bath salts -- and that's just the island countertop. WHO LIVES IN THIS PLACE??? It is UNFIT, I tell you!!!!) And let's not even talk about laundry. I may weep.

So, I think that with the remainder of the superfluous 24 hrs gifted to me by this day, I am going to embark on the Glamourous and Exciting tasks of resurrecting some standard of housekeeping to this abode.

Anyone happen to have one of those Animation Enchantments? Like on Beauty and the Beast -- I could really use some talking teacups, mops and brooms to help me out with this one.


Craig said...

Or one of Merlin's spells from The Sword in the Stone, eh?

Careful, tho - you gotta be attentive, or you end up like the Sorcerer's Apprentice. . .

Bijoux said...


flutterby said...

Craig -- YES... the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Heck, I think that even that level of chaos could improve some of what all is going on in here. (or I should say *was*, cause cha-ching, it's all better now.)

Bijoux -- oh, you of the wishful thinking and glorious ideals. :D Yeah, I did delegate some stuff. It is truly one of my downfalls as a parent (and wife? Can a wife delegate to the hubby, or is that just called Nagging?) that I tend to not make them work as hard as they should.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you are depriving your children of the discovery of CHORES?? How selfish!! :-)

Send 'em here for a month, we'll whoop 'em into shape ...

flutterby said...

They have chores. Just not enough of 'em. But I have a feeling that you and Queenie have the parenting schtick sewn right up... I'm sure my kids could learn a lot spending some time round parents like you guys.