
If Air Miles Were Money...

Heh. Wait! They kinda are. :)

Guess who just booked four flights to L.A. in April? It's almost like I'm a grown-up, doing grown-up things like choosing flight itinerary and travel insurance. Woah. When did that happen?

Now, if I could just convince Mr. F to actually pay for a guided tour of Hollywood instead of his dubious plan to just "wing it" in our rental car. Cause you know THAT is gonna end in bloodshed and at least one of us with the crumpled map crammed in our face. I'm all for spontaneous fun. But if I remember correctly, self-preservation ranks pretty high on the hierarchy of Needs...

Any of you seasoned travelers have any recommendations for some fun things to do and see in the area?


Craig said...

I know San Diego a lot better than LA. But LA is HUGE; I can't imagine spontaneously 'winging it' in a rental car. . .

flutterby said...

See? I know, right?!? It just sounds like pure disaster waiting to happen.

Here's the thing. You *know* that the boy is envisioning himself smoothly piloting our vehicle through the mansion-lined streets of Beverly Hills with our kiddos enraptured with glee at the prospect of an impromptu tour of such a special and unique area.

What *I* know is that I will be juggling my cell phone/Google Maps combo ("which exit?" This one?" "No, next one... wait. This one THIS ONE THISONETHISONE!!!!!")along with trying to figure out what star lives in what house ("This house?" "No. Wait. Yes. I think." "AGH!") and end up steering us the wrong way down a one way street ("SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP! TURN BACK!!!") while the kids clamor about being bored/tired/hot/hungry/poked/etc. and Mr. F gets red-faced and irate and I have a spazzy moment or two and share my opinion about what a mother-effing brilliant idea this was to forego the tour in a guided transport that we did not have to drive, ourselves. Cue bloodshed. Cue map being crammed somewhere not nice. Cue unhappy family.

Women know these things. Sometimes it's worth it to spend a bit of cash and avoid being whacked over the head with appendages.

Bijoux said...

Considering I'm married to someone who prints out 3 reams of google maps for every trip......

Can't help you on LA....only been to San Francisco and Napa/Sonoma.

Anonymous said...

No help here, I was in LAX once on a 3-hopper but that's it.

GPS- be sure you have one in case you can't turn him by then! Queenie and I can't do the 'just wing it' very well either. "Our turn was back there" is the phrase of the day ....