
DAY 08, 09, 10

Day 08 -- A song you know all the words to.

Barenaked Ladies -- One Week
OK, so maybe this is just a little bragaliciousness, cause there's a lot of tricky words in this song! However, I do know them all -- that's not to say I don't get a little tongue-tied singing along at times! I think this is a super-crafty song... also totally am crushing on Ed Robertson. There pretty much isn't anything this guy can't do.

Day 09 -- A song you can dance to.

Duck Sauce -- Barbara Streisand
This was such a hard category to pick just one song. My other option was Pitbull's "I Know You Want Me" Calle Ocho remix, of which the video makes me want to cease to exist and fall into a deep, dark fit of self-loathing and body-image regression, if you know what I mean. Anyway, this sweet gem of a track was one of the last songs that I had a blast dancing to and therefore was accorded this (dubious) honor of being included in my 30 days. Wooooooo hoooooooooo ooooooo oooooh. Barbara Streisand.

Day 10 -- A song that could put you to sleep.

Fleetwood Mac -- Albatross
I came across this beautiful number some time ago when trying to search out a lingering memory. (insert rabbit trail...) Over 15 years ago, I was part of an impromptu talent show at the college I was attending. Myself and a beautiful neighboring dorm-mate grabbed a Judy Collins songbook and were immediately enraptured with the rambling lyrics of a song called "Albatross". We had never heard the original recording and, instead, crafted an over-the-top theatrical version, not unlike Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody", if by "Bohemian Rhapsody" I mean a vocal duet with vexing solo piano accompaniment. Anyhow, our goth get-up and rousing performance gained us some audience favor and it was this song that crossed my mind and I attempted to track down just what it *should have* sounded like (This just in... We killed it. But also made it a gazillion times better. Trust.). Anyhow, first entering "Albatross" in the youtube search engine yielded Fleetwood Mac's instrumental and I love it. The bass/toms create a beautiful thrumming heart-beat while the cymbal mallets remind me of the ocean waves. And the guitar and steel-guitar live in this otherwordly space, just floating on top of all that luscious sound. Definitely a song that conjures up visions of afternoon siestas and drifting off to dreamland.


Bijoux said...

This is such good stuff, Flutter!

I was just thinking that a BNL song would HAVE to be included somewhere on this 30 day countdown for me.....and then I see you've already done it. LOVE that song, and it would definitely be one for a "Songs You Like to Sing Along to But Mess Up Most of the Words."

LOL on the second song. Never heard of it....and I was wondering what sort of a Barbara Streisand song a person could dance to.....DUH ME!

Also not familiar with your last choice and I can just barely see Mick Fleetwood in that young punk on the drums!

Craig said...

You're obviously WAY younger than me. Pretty much all the songs I know all the words to, probably date to before you were born. . .
