
Houston, We Have a Moose.

Traveling home on the highway last night, the kids and I had a very close call.  A moose ambled up from the meridian and crossed in front of us.  Thankfully, I was given time enough to brake hard and get my speed down, which made the moment he changed his direction in front of me one of much less impact than most wildlife collisions.  Especially moose/vehicle collisions. 

I feel it to be a merciful act of miraculous proportions that my kids were not harmed even a bit.  And that I have only the most mundane variety of stiff/sore muscles and a couple small scrapes... I am feeling very lucky, indeed. 

Sadly, the moose wasn't so lucky.  He weaved around and collapsed in the ditch about 15 yards away.  The officers responding to the call had to end his misery. 

The moose was one of the largest things I have seen.  Collapsed on the snow, he looked like a small car.  Last night, in between reliving all the moments of the impact and imagining all the worse possible outcomes (why, brain, why?  Why do you do this to me?), I felt sick thinking about how a beautiful creature came to such an awful end. 

On the other hand, he almost killed us, so there's that to consider. 

I have a feeling that my Rocket might be an insurance write off and I'm not pleased about that. But all of that is nothing compared to knowing that my kids are alright.  I don't know how I could handle it had they been hurt.

May it be Your will, Lord my God, to lead me on the way of peace and guide and direct my steps in peace, so that You will bring me happily to my destination, safe and sound. Save me from danger on the way. Give me good grace, kindness and favor in both Your eyes and in the eyes of all whom I may meet. Hear this my prayer, for you are a God who hears to the heart's supplication and communion. Blessed are You, Lord our God, who hears prayer.


Bijoux said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry. Do moose often run in front of cars like deer? I'm so glad to know you are ok, girl. XO and hug the kids some more, too.

Craig said...

Wow, glad you and the squiddos are OK. I've seen what a plain ol' garden-variety deer can do to a car; can't imagine a moose. That is one HUGE pile o' critter. . .

Anonymous said...

wow, that was some impact. glad you and yours are OK, vehicular incidents are no fun.

Pearl said...

Wow. I simply cannot imagine seeing one on the road let alone come through my windshield!

Strangely enough, it was your lucky day!
