
I Was Gone, But Now I'm Back.

I finally feel ready to write again. And maybe even better, to write unvarnishedly. To scrap the persona.

We'll see where this goes.


Therese in Heaven said...

I'm so glad you're back! Hope you're doing well.

JodyJ said...

Are you kidding me, I had to find out via facebook.... you wench!!! Okay love you anyway (hugs) Sooooo glad your back, look forward to reading your deep, innner, sarcastic, witty thoughts on life, love and all that stuff.

FTN said...

Yay. How great to hear. Now I'm off to try to use the word "unvarnishedly" in a sentence.

Desmond Jones said...

No varnish?

OK, I'm ready. . . Bring it on!

Glad you're back; I have missed you.


flutterby said...

Therese -- Wow, you were Spot On... speedy little commenter, you! Glad you came by. :)

JodyJ -- Wench?! WENCH???!?!?!? See, I knew that you were really a scary girl. Knew it. Lucky for me, I have chocolate and know how to use it. See you soon!

FTN -- I'm fairly certain that unvarnishedly is NOT a word, a real word, that is. Quality control might be a little hurtin' around here for a while. But feel free to bring a little bit of suspect grammar to your side of the fence if you wish.

Desmond -- The lack of varnish does in no way detract from this shiny specimen of New Blog you have in front of you. And it is shiny, no? Also, I actually have lots of varnish. Gallons and gallons, really. I'll give you a good price.

Anonymous said...
