
A Good Time Is Never Wasted.

There are probably lots of really, really practical things I should be doing right now... most of them having to do with putting my house back into order after Moving Day Renalda slammed this place with the force of two tropical storms hitting concurrently from opposing directions. (And yes, this Moving Day deserved a Hurricane name -- it's my fourth household move in ten weeks. Don't ask. Just nod your head in understanding.)

So, while the spoils of Renalda linger on in the kitchen and living room and bathrooms and, OK -- you got me -- pretty much the Whole House... I will take a moment to list all the really, really Important things I should be doing if I wasn't so busy ignoring and putting off all the really, really Practical things I ought to be doing.

1) I really, really should go do some yoga, or run a bit or maybe do some pushups and pullups and stuff. Cause I'm avoiding my jeans. And avoiding denim is the first sign that you really, really ought to be doing something a bit more active and say... less coffee and donut-ey and take-out pizza-ey than you've been doing for the past few weeks.

2) I have to say that my toenails have looked better. They are clad in scraps of last month's nail polish and striving so hard to still look cute and cool. Sorry, little toes... it's just not happening. No one will be asking you to the dance, I'm sorry to say.

3) OK, OK, you've dragged it out of me. My feet on the whole? Not doing so well. A little dry and wintery and it's not even freaking November, yet. I hang my head in shame and lunge furtively for the Vivacious Body Butter which is nothing short of miraculous stuff. Wait. It's in a box somewhere.

4) Also, finding a home for my cat should rank up there pretty high with the Important Things. I've had to rehome my precious little furballs TWICE each. And I just drove five hours today to place one little angelic dude with what will hopefully be his forever family, only to find out that my other little dude won't be working out at his new place. Allergies can bite me hard.

5) My iPod needs to be charged and this really irritates me. I like to keep all devices fully charged and ready. But, I cannot find my little USB charge-ey cord and thusly, my Nano sits unused and depressed (as I'm sure only a little inanimate object which is not fulfilling it's destiny in life can feel).

6) I should be buying a goat. For real. I got this World Vision catalog thing in the mail and now I am compelled to buy a goat for people in Botswailambiqueana. Maybe even a chicken. Hopefully they'll keep the stupid things, though. I seem to have bad luck with the placing of living creatures in homes. I will have to leave a note at the post office/depot... I WILL NOT ACCEPT THE RETURN OF ANY MAMMALS VIA POST.

7) Uhhh, my bankbook. Something about my bankbook and the regular attention thereof. You know, with the numbers and the adding and subtracting (errrr... that's debits and credits to those of you in the Know) and the reconciling and what not? Yeah. That stuff. I think I should be doing it.

8) I should be flossing more often. (And so should you, too)

9) And, mostly... I think I need a night out on the town with Mr. F. Cause there's a score that needs settling and I think a game of Mini Golf might just put things to rest once and for all.

What? Mini Golf is not considered a night out on the town? Pish posh.

10) Throw in a massage on the night and that's just Toppers, people.

I'm out.


Therese in Heaven said...

I can understand the other stuff, but how can you neglect flossing?!

I thought you were one of those people who really cared.

FTN said...


Heh. That made me laugh. I haven't seen a catalog lately, but now I'm wondering if I could get a goat for our World Vision family in Ghana. The idea would probably thrill my kids, although they'd probably be disappointed that we wouldn't be getting the goat ourselves.

Not to argue with Therese on multiple blogs or anything, but I'd go with the bank-book-balancing before the flossing.

Oh, and to me, mini golf and a massage would pretty much be the best night out EVER. (And I kick butt at mini golf. Hmmm... Next blogger get-together...)

Desmond Jones said...

WHO SAYS Mini-Golf is not considered a night out on the town? Here in Jones-ville, that's high entertainment!

And, uh, you know I've been waiting for the last few months, just to hear about your toes. . . So, thanks for that.

flutterby said...

Therese -- I do care. I. Do. Care. See? These are Real tears being cried from Real eyes. *whisper* I. Care.

FTN -- See, I knew that as soon as I said I was buying a goat that every Tom, Dick and Hairy FTN that reads this blog was going to go out and buy one. Just know it was MY IDEA FIRST. :P

Desmond -- In that case, I think it's possible that Flutterville and Jonesville might have the same Town Charter. We adapted our Entertainment Paragraphs from the I'mReallyStillInYouthGroup summit of 97. Later addendums regulated the use of shaving cream and Q-Tips in the backyard. You?

Desmond Jones said...

In fact, just a few weeks ago, we had to re-post the shaving-cream-in-the-backyard regulations (most pertinently, NOT AFTER MIDNIGHT, on Fridays when the cranky old guy who lives behind us might call the cops)

Sombra said...

Your commenters are all hams, but I'm here to be real. If you can't find a home for the feline, it can join my small group of barn cats.. there's 8 of them right now.. if you think your can wants to be a barn cat, he/she is welcome here.

my feet? am I supposed to take care of my feet?

by the way, I read your book list.. have you read my blog post http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/MoreLittleWilsons/601447/