
What's For Dinner?

Ummm... do I smell roasted derby girl? Yes... apparently our sweet lil behinds were on the bout menu -- we were neatly slaughtered and served for dinner last Saturday night -- it was an upset of grand proportions.

Final Score? 174 - 78

We lost by 100 points to the other team.

Sucks to be US.

There were some issues with the reffing that were regrettable and a few other things that could have made the score more respectable and the game less frustrating. Regardless, we would have lost. They are a more experienced team and have been skating longer and frankly, the played Better than we did. I have no problem giving them that.

I will, however, say that our half-time locker room was something straight out of Reality TV. Our tailgunner was barfing in the stall, an EMT was tending to a downed and semi-conscious player (heat stroke) and about half the girls were laying on the cold concrete floor cause it was so crazy hot and stuffy in the venue.

We came back with a much stronger second half and I think we won the respect of the crowd, despite being thoroughly pounded. During one of our MANY penalty calls (the reffing was questionable at times...) someone from the crowd yelled, "It's not a penalty to be from (Fluttercity)!!!" Thank you Random Fan.

It was a great and humbling learning experience and I think our team will be better for it. I, for one, loved every minute. It was by far the single most Rockstar thing I have ever done in my life and I can't wait to get back on the track and do it again. Hopefully do it better, though.

One of my favorite pics from after the bout. I'm sweaty and stinky and all kinds of rank, bad-ass derby girl.
Getting up close and personal with the floor -- one of many times that night.
Gave chase to their jammer, couldn't get a solid hit and had to pull back after 20 ft. hence the wide, snowplow stance.
Team photo. Hijacked from facebook... sorry so small.


Bijoux said...

Awww.....sounds like you had some fun anyway.

Anonymous said...

Sweet, looks like a rockin' good time! Do we get to see the bruises too?

And way to rock the helmet-hair!!

Desmond Jones said...

Learning curves can be brutal. . . But it sounds like y'all still had some fun. . .

And, uh, what Xavier said about the hair. . .


WordVer = 'trance'. Ommmmm. . .

flutterby said...

Cocotte -- It was so much fun. And really, it was good to lose so badly, too. Our league struggled with having girls not really commit to making practices and such before the bout and I think having our butts handed to us kinda made everyone realize what it's gonna take to be a good team and play well.

Least that's what I'm hoping.

Xavier -- My bruises usually take a few days to develop. Right now I can feel them, but I can't see them. I'm weird like that. Probably won't take any pictures of them, either Only those gi-normous ones that fall minimally short of massive internal hemorrhaging get any photo-time in derby.

Desmond -- It was brutal but we did learn a lot. And I think we'll be so much better off as a team for it, than, say... had we won the game. Winning is fun but it often doesn't make you better or play harder.

Helmet hair is the new chic, I tell ya!

wordver: zingr