
Where Does She Come From?

Scene: The Princess is reading Tuck Everlasting to me. We are in the middle of the book, thoroughly caught up in suspense and fascinated with the idea of immortality.

Princess: So, Mom... what would you do if you could drink that water and live forever?

Me: I really don't know, Princess. It would be pretty tempting I guess, but I don't think it would be something I could decide right away. I'd need to think on it.

Princess: Yeah, I don't think I would know what to do either. *thoughtful pause* I think I'd probably have to draw a Venn Diagram...

Sometimes she blows my mind with this stuff. I really don't think I even knew what a Venn Diagram was until I was much older. (errr... possibly even well into adulthood. Not that I hadn't seen them... just didn't know that they had a name and purpose.)

I love my Princess.


JodyJ said...

Hmmm... yep, I have NO idea what that is...

Desmond Jones said...

You know my Inner Math Geek is grinning from ear to ear, don't you?

Bijoux said...

That's hilarious! Gotta love the Venn Diagram.

I also love that book. But I think I've reached the age where I already know I would not want to live forever (here on this Earth, at least).

Therese in Heaven said...

Smart kid you got there.

flutterby said...

JJ -- You'd know it if you saw it: two overlapping circles used to diagram relationships between sets or to organize information.

Desmond -- You have an inner math geek? :)

Cocotte -- The very idea of living forever seems a bit tedious. Maybe that's just me. But, the alternative isn't always that pleasant, either. I mean, it's beautiful in the large picture, but contemplating the details can be disheartening.

Therese -- She's full of surprises and pretty darn smart, if I do say so myself.

Anonymous said...

Sweetness ...

Desmond Jones said...

I thought everybody did. . .