
No Way.

There are things that never cease to amaze me about the internet.

One of them is getting the occasional email from someone regarding my blog from phishers when content on my blog matches their search criteria. It's a short list, really. My little blog doesn't make that big of a dent in the blogosphere. (Oh, little blog, I had such high hopes for you...)

Some of the more memorable phishes:

- An organization that petitions against circuses (circi??) and their poor treatment of animals following my post saying that I was not attending the local Shriner's deal for the same reason.

- A couple emails requesting product reviews after I posted about a similar product.

- The Lukas Rossi fan club which put out an open call on their forum to comment on a post on my blog. Which made no sense cause my post about him was really positive. I have no idea why they were harassing me about it. I was, like, "He's great, I totally am crushing hard." And they were, like, "You must crush harder. This is offensive." This one? I could see how phishing can go horribly wrong... I think I shut down comments for a bit after that.

But my latest phish takes the cake. Just cause I Never. Saw. That. Coming.

I mean, you would reasonably expect that an animal rights organization or marketing board or celebrity fan club exists.

But, when I got an email from a member (#1 championship contender, no less...) of the...

...wait for it...

Pillow Fight League

I was all, "No Way."

But, being the curious cat that I am, I checked out the link and yes... it does exist. And it actually looks kinda cool. I can see why derby has adopted it as a past-time. Their girls look pretty kick-ass, too.

I'm still kinda all, "No Way." about it. But thought I would post the link here all the same, just cause she complimented my blog. Which I know is the blog equivalent of putting out on the first date, but still. ("You have beautiful eyes, baby." "OK, you can touch me.")

Seriously, that conversation NEVER actually happened. I'm totally pulling that out of the air. Totally.

So, here's a shout out to the girls of the Pillow Fight League. I might have to go watch some of those crazy bouts to get a leg up on my competition at the next derby after-party.


Therese in Heaven said...

I totally want to join the pillow fight league!

Desmond Jones said...

I totally love the knee- and elbow-braces the girls are wearing. And the wrestling-style boots. These are some SERIOUS pillow-fighting women here. . .

See, and now I'm wondering about rules (besides, you know, 'you gotta keep ahold of yer pillow') (*ahem*) and equipment, and are there 'equipment geeks' who are into super-aerodynamic pillows, and stuff like that?

Just don't hurt me. Please.

Bijoux said...

Huh? My blog must be reallllyyy insignificant because I've never had an phishy e-mails...just those "Hi...It's Judy!" ones all the time.

JodyJ said...

I hear you about the phishers.. I only had one, he seemed pretty radical though. I posted a blog about Big Love, the TV show. He then posted a response with a link. He seemed kind of hard core, strange....

Anonymous said...

Instant Fanage .... that is all

flutterby said...

Therese -- I think they post their open try-out locations on the site. I would pay good money to go watch you bang it out with the league!! :D

Desmond -- I'm pretty sure they use standardized pillows. There are actually rules posted on the site and everything.

Cocotte -- Well, this Judy you speak of has not deemed me worthy of her time... potato, potahto... your blog is plenty cool and important!

JodyJ -- Actually, I wondered if your post would bring the phishers out of the woodwork. Controversial show.

Xavier -- Score one fan for the PFL compliments of Flutterby's blog.

Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for the shout outs! sorry, you got phished again i guess, gotta love those google alerts. we have lots of our matches on youtube if you want to check out what it's like "live".

Here's a little clip that a fan made if you want to check it out:


flutterby said...

Anon -- No worries, it's all good! I actually can't tell you how much I love the idea of the PFL. Wait, I totally can. I love that there's a PFL. Looks like some mad, riotous fun and a super-cool, kick ass group of girls to boot.

I've watched a few matches since you posted... gotta hone my pillow fight technique before our next bout and after-party! You guys will be the secret weapon in my arsenal. :D

Good luck in your next match. Email me when it hits youtube! I'd love to watch it. *high five*

FTN said...

I've been training for PFL for years. Can I join?

You don't even want to know about some of the random emails I've received over the years...