

I drift. I apparently lack the ability to judge interpersonal space and if I am walking beside you, I will drift over and end up jostling you. Probably repeatedly. This is either perceived as annoying or endearing.

I always wished to have freckles across my nose. I think they are the cutest thing ever.

I don't like my hands. I realize that they are perfectly serviceable and fine hands. Reasonably feminine and whatever. But I spent a whole childhood hiding them and hating the itchy, patchy eczema rash that covered them, the open splits in my skin and damaged nail beds. I am thankful that I am mostly not bothered by that condition any longer, but the stigma lingers in my brain and I find myself yet hiding them.

I can't cross my eyes. I can't raise just one eyebrow.

I have a 9th handspan for playing keyboard. Apparently this is pretty decent for having average sized hands.

I can tie a knot in a cherry stem using only my tongue. Attractive? Yes. The look of concentration on my face that it takes to do this? Not so attractive. :D

Hard liquor makes me feel warm and fizzy. Wine goes straight to my head and not always in a pleasant way. Red wine can sometimes give me headaches. I have a strange fondness for the horrific, burning, herbal taste of a Jagermeister shot. I have never finished a beer -- no matter how good it tastes when I start out, halfway through I can't handle the aftertaste and set it aside.

I really am not one to drink alcohol often or much. I have never been "smashed". Buzzed, yes. But never wasted.

I am a binge-reader. If I start a book, I must finish it. As soon as possible. I will easily neglect life and responsibility in order to do so.

I once attempted to learn the man-made language Esperanto. Don't ask why. I have no idea. I also attempted to learn Hebrew. My brain almost exploded. I'm sticking with English.

Laugh tracks make me go postal. I can't watch Family Channel without inwardly dying just a little bit.

I am very squeamish. It is what's keeping me from getting the piercings that I want. Maybe that's a good thing.

While I am all for green energy, Wind Turbines freak me out. I get just a little bit nervy when i drive by them.

I have a weakness for catchy, yet extremely inappropriate songs. Can't stop dancing to this one.


Bijoux said...

Wow! The last four, I am right there with you. And even though I did natural childbirth three times, the thought of even a single ear piercing grosses me out. Not kidding. When I see people with those bolts in their ears, I honestly feel bile in my throat.

And I have no idea why wind turbines are scary, but I agree, they are.

Craig said...

That tying-a-knot-in-a-cherry-stem-with-your-tongue thing? . . . Nawww, I can't say it. . .

Jen is a big fan of the gin-&-tonics. Or maybe I'm a fan of Jen having gin-&-tonics. . .

I can't see a heavily-pierced young person without thinking, "EEEEWWWW", and "I wonder what they'll look like when they're 50". . .

On our most recent vacation, I got my first up-close look at a wind farm (as well as my first long-distance look; those turbines are HUGE). I thought they looked cool, and kinda majestic. . .

And, don't tell me that Canadians are just as monolingual as us Yanks are. . .

But yeef. . . Esperanto? Seriously??