
Is this bad??

A few months back, I flip-flopped and transformed my 'do from a cocao-black color with a swatch of blonde, to blonde with a stripe of pure black in front. I know, right? *eye roll* I think my hair would boycott me if given half a chance.

Which may have been the case yesterday when I went in to go a few levels lighter into the "Platinum" range and get my roots touched up and walked out of the salon with a completely numb scalp. Now, say that again in a booming announcer-type voice... COMPLETELY NUMB SCALP. No... not NUMBSKULL. Numb Scalp.

Truthfully, when I discovered this fact while driving home from the appt -- the windows were down and I reached up to brush some windblown hair from my forehead and tuck behind my ear -- I will admit I got a wee bit panicky. Because it felt super strange! I mean, until this has happened to you, you can't know how strange it felt -- like I was reaching up and touching a rubber swim cap or a wig or something. Creeped me OUT!

A few phone calls and a Facebook Intervention later, I was relieved to find out that my scalp likely was NOT going to fall off my skull in bloody chunks, nor would the numbness creep down and leave my face inadvertently botoxed like a mannequin. Phew. However, after two showers, four shampoos and an application of a holistic chemical burn treatment and a full 24 hours later... my lil scalp is STILL kinda numbish. I'm taking solace in the fact that it is a bit better than yesterday and hoping that my head can make peace with this process -- cause I REALLY, REALLY love my new platinum shade. *sigh*


Bijoux said...

That is very scary. I've never done a complete dye job and now you have me scared. Got any waxing horror stories next??

Craig said...

OK, here's where I go all guy-ish, and just shake my head and say -

I don't get it. . .

And my WordVer = 'unbinge', which just seems apropos of something or other. . .

Anonymous said...

COOL!! Did it cost extra??